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Hi everyone.
Call me Eric.

I have a Ph.D. degree. I love to travel, visit museums, national parks, and places few people know. I share my travel stories and more on this blog.

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The Writer in Me

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Places, Travel

Where is the Largest Wind Chime in the World?

Towering at over 55 ft high and weighs over 8 tons, this is the largest wind chime in the world. This is a functional wind chime. See more of the World’s Largest objects only found in Casey, Illinois. Below, watch the video that I took for the largest wind chime…

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Places, Travel

Towering World’s Largest Ketchup Bottle

The World’s Largest Ketchup Bottle is a actually a 170 ft. tall water tower that was built in 1949. This structure is currently listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The tower is one of the roadside attractions next to Route 159, just south of downtown Collinsville, Illinois U.S.A….

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Things to Do at Lake Logan State Park in Ohio

If you happen to be near Hocking County in Ohio, don’t miss to visit the Lake Logan State Park. Apart from the fact that is near Hocking Hills State Park, the park itself is a beautiful tourist spot that boast a breathtaking scenery. I have visited the the park for…

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Best Thai Restaurant in Fairview Heights Illinois is Tong Phoon

Remember the name: Tong Phoon Thai Restaurant, that’s the name of the best Thai restaurant in Fairview Heights, Illinois. If you are craving for an authentic Thai cuisine, this is the right place for you. You won’t regret visiting this restaurant, with its friendly owner and very attentive staff. Traveling…

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Places, Travel

Ohio Statehouse: Where Abraham Lincoln Stood to Give a Speech

I visited the Ohio Statehouse in Columbus, Ohio. It is considered one of the oldest working statehouses in the United States, being built between 1839 and 1861. Its architecture is typical Greek Revival. Today, the Statehouse houses the Ohio General Assembly. On September 16, 1859, Abraham Lincoln delivered a memorable…

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