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Hi everyone.
Call me Eric.

I have a Ph.D. degree. I love to travel, visit museums, national parks, and places few people know. I share my travel stories and more on this blog.

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The Writer in Me

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How to Find Facebook Hidden Messages

They are not messages Facebook sent you. They are messages people, not on your FB list, sent to you that Facebook hides. Facebook has a feature that automatically put messages from unknown people in a hidden folder. Facebook wrote: It seems wrong that an email message from your best friend…

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Myturf Ads Replace Adsense Ad Units

This is crazy. I am attending a week-long conference in San Francisco and have been accessing my sites using a free wifi service provided by the conference committee. My sites run ads, one of them is Google Adsense. I noticed today that all my Adsense spaces have been replaced by…

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Earn Money Online From Chitika Maps

Chitika is competing with Google, Yahoo, and Bing by introducing its Chitika Maps. Not just ordinary maps, by the way, that publishers can use on their sites. Chitika maps combine advertising with its full-featured mapping system. The new feature provides an opportunity for publishers to monetize their websites further by…

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Facebook Free Porn Pictures Abound — Blame The Filipinos?

…And thanks to Facebook — the kids have seen a massive load of free porn pictures on the site that is supposed to be child-friendly. says that 21% of Facebook members around the world are aged 13-17 years old! These past days, my Facebook wall was not spared at…

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Super Bowl Games Can Kill You

According to a a study published in Clinical Cardiology journal, deaths due to cardiac events can be related to championship football matches, such as the popular Super Bowl games. The authors found that a Super Bowl loss triggered increased deaths in both men and women and especially in older patients,…

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