

Reflections, Society

SDSU Wecota Hall Janitor Bothers Me

The SDSU Wecota Hall basement janitor left me a note today saying, and I quote verbatim “If you have to dump your partially drank coffee in the waste basket…please wrap in these and save both us a mess??” He left the message on my desk together with 10 small disposable…

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Comedian Adam Carolla – Forever Racist

Damage has been done Adam Carolla! Whatever you say today or tomorrow, however you say your apology, you will forever be known as racist. Filipinos will always label you as the one who is demeaning and an “ignorant fool.” If you don’t know anything about the country, then shut up…

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People, Religion

Benny Hinn Divorces Wife

Who says Pastors could not get a divorce? Huh! Even the most decorated of pastors, like Benny Hinn, can get one. What a slap on the face for Benny Hinn who preaches about the sacrament of marriage being a lifelong union, ending only with the death of one spouse!

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CNN Hero of the Year honors Efren Peñaflorida – video

This is related to my previous post about Efren Peñaflorida, the CNN Hero of the Year. The event was televised last night and I was on my seat at home, so inspired and proud while watching Efren Peñaflorida receive the major award with teary eyes. He gave a short yet…

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People, Society

Filipino Efren Peñaflorida – 2009 CNN Hero of the Year

A Filipino was declared the 2009 CNN Hero of the Year! His name is Efren Peñaflorida. I watched the short video clip with Peñaflorida tonight as CNN reported the winner during the ceremony at the Kodak Theater in Hollywood Saturday night. Congrats! Efren Peñaflorida won the 2009 CNN Hero of…

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Reflections, Society

Police visibility keeps Brookings, SD safe

Literally, Brookings, South Dakota has a zero crime rate. When you watch the early evening newscast, you hardly hear anything about Brookings. If there is something to broadcast, it will most likely be about road mishaps, or the state of the cold winter weather, or the state of the economy….

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