

Featured, Reflections, Society

Why Being Abroad is Not All Bed of Roses

Here I am, taking the seat at the corner, the only elevated area of the coffee shop. I never take this seat unless nothing else is available. I always have this unusual feeling when elevated, like being stared at (although I do not possess the charming looks people would want to even take a glance at), jeered at (I’m thinking too much), and pestered by rowdy and vicious juveniles (alright, let me jog my memory — crumpled.

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Two Racist White High School Girls Attack Black People (VIDEO)

These two white high-school girls from Gainesville High School in Gainesville, Florida are completely misinformed, ignorant, and totally disgusting. In a 14-miute rant about Blacks, the girls kept dropping the N-word, saying that the N**gers can’t talk right, keep having kids and can’t get jobs. The one girl on the…

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The “Warrior Is A Child” Lifts Me Up

I am not feeling so well today. No motivation coming in. But thanks to a friend who has been so kind to give me some inputs about being always determined and to remind me of God’s everlasting love. I have always loved Gary V’s “Warrior is a Child”. If you…

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Balikbayan in the Eyes of a Common Filipino

How would a common (read: living simply in a far-flung town) Filipino view a Balikbayan who has been away from the country for quite sometime? I have been in and out of the Philippines many times. Most of those times, the travels were short — like those few days in…

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Internet, Reflections

Will You Leave Online Messages Before You Die?

So will you ever leave messages or videos on your blog or website before you die? Will you let people know your plan days before you commit a senseless act of violence? In a recent tragic incident, a 22-year-old shooter named Jared Lee Loughner attempted to assassinate Rep. Gabrielle Giffords….

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