

Featured, Reflections

Living in The Land of The Free

“Are you a terrorist?” Jeremy threw that question at me as I was about to part my jaws for a big sigh of relief for completing a stressful day at the office. Caught in an awkward situation, I answered, “NO” straight to his face.

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Family, Reflections

Mom really knew what she was talking about after all

Numbers and complex solutions fuel me. I crave mind-boggling formulas and mathematical theories. I go where Pythagoras, Des Cartes and Pascal abound. These are the reasons I love the engineering profession. I never liked the teaching profession. When mom advised me to get a degree in education and be a…

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Music, Reflections

Brule Performs Sounds of Home

Among the popular theories of the origin of the term HOBO, I chose the contraction of HOmeward BOund. There is only one reason for opting that. This article is about Brule. About home. Watching and listening to Brule and the AIRO band on the night of Friday the 13th, established…

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People, Places, Reflections

Cottonwood Coffee Shop ‘The Place To Be’

I do not care about evidences of heartburn, anxiety, high blood pressure, hyperactivity and many others that caffeine, a type of drug or stimulant found in coffee beans, appears to be a causal factor. Let the medical experts and researchers keep themselves busy gathering compelling evidences of the side effects…

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Featured, Reflections, Society

The Death of the Standard American English

Whenever you hear a non-native English speaker, a Filipino specifically, uttering broken “carabao” English, or a version you are not used to hearing, please reserve your criticism. Entertain, instead, the notion that the English language might be evolving, that nobody owns the language any longer. To a certain extent, it…

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