

Reflections, Religion

Is it enough not to do evil?

November formally lands boiling over with questions on faith in God. Since I had written a couple of religious stuff in the previous issues of this paper, I rummaged through one of the products of my early glorious moments at writing and thought of publishing a non-sequitur-like entry such as…

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Reflections, Society

Live life happily

How to live life happily? Most often, I’d get suggestions like: make a contribution by working hard in a work you love; be in the know and intelligent; gather a surplus; love your family above your friends, your cellphone, your dog, your career; and progress in the firm and gain…

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Old photos and memories from times long gone

Do you know the stories behind your old photos? I just looked at mine and, yes, I do. There’s one good reason why this week I metamorphosed into an archaic-photo enthusiast. A short meeting with a fellow Filipino in Brookings weeks ago got me into thinking to scan my old…

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Reflections, Society

Others’ joy is real meaning of happiness

How would you measure happiness? Is it the size of your smile while working on a job you really love? Is it the number of degrees you have attained and the amount of knowledge you have collected? Is the gauge of happiness allied with gathering a surplus, or loving your…

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Reflections, Religion

Ora et Labora (Prayer and Work)

Fr. Paul mentions something about people who seem to be so attached with work that they forget and set aside God. I wrote something about this before. Ora et Labora (translated as Prayer and Work) are ancient monastic values. The values are for busy people who, because of their tight…

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