Camels as mode of transportation? As someone who has visited and lived in India, I can attest to the usefulness of camels as a form of transportation. Camels have been an important mode of transportation in rural India for centuries. They are particularly useful in areas with harsh terrain, where other forms of transportation may not be viable. Camels are able to traverse rocky terrain, sand dunes, and other difficult landscapes, making them an ideal choice for people living in rural areas.
In addition to their ability to navigate difficult terrain, camels are also well-suited to the hot and arid climate of many rural areas in India. They are able to go for long periods of time without water, and can tolerate high temperatures that would be unbearable for other animals. This makes them an ideal choice for people living in areas where water is scarce and the climate is unforgiving.

Camels are used for a variety of purposes in rural India, including transportation of goods and people, as well as for agricultural work. They are able to carry heavy loads and can travel long distances without stopping. This makes them an important part of the rural economy, as they are used to transport goods such as grains, textiles, and other commodities from one place to another.
In addition to their use as a mode of transportation, camels are also used for agricultural work in rural India. They are able to plow fields and help with other tasks such as hauling water, making them an important part of the farming process. Camels are also used for their milk, which is an important source of nutrition for many people in rural areas.
Despite their many benefits, there are some challenges associated with using camels as a mode of transportation in rural India. One of the biggest challenges is the lack of infrastructure to support camel transport. Many rural areas do not have adequate roads or other transportation infrastructure, which can make it difficult to transport goods and people using camels. Additionally, there are few veterinarians or other resources available to care for the health and well-being of the camels, which can be a concern in areas with limited resources.