Traveling during weekdays or during off-peak times can often lead to lower prices or cheap airline tickets. Using flight search engines, such as Skyscanner or Kayak, can also help you find the cheapest flights across multiple airlines. It is also a good idea to sign up for airline newsletters and alerts to be notified of exclusive deals and promotions.

Here are 10 tips to help you get cheap airline tickets:

  1. Be flexible with your travel dates: You can often find cheaper flights if you’re willing to travel on weekdays, or during off-peak times.
  2. Search for deals on airline websites: Airlines often offer deals and promotions that are only available on their own websites.
  3. Use flight search engines: Websites like Skyscanner, Kayak, and Google Flights can help you compare prices across multiple airlines and find the cheapest flights.
  4. Sign up for airline newsletters and alerts: Airlines may offer exclusive deals and promotions to their subscribers.
  5. Book in advance: Booking your flight several weeks or even months ahead of time can help you find cheaper fares.
  6. Consider budget airlines: Budget airlines often offer lower prices than traditional airlines, but be sure to check their baggage fees and other charges.
  7. Check for layovers: Sometimes, flights with layovers can be cheaper than direct flights.
  8. Use your frequent flyer miles or credit card rewards: If you have frequent flyer miles or credit card rewards points, you may be able to use them to get discounted or even free flights.
  9. Avoid peak travel times: Flights during holidays and other peak travel times are often more expensive.
  10. Clear your cookies and search history: Some airlines may track your search history and raise prices if they see that you’re looking for the same flight multiple times. Clearing your cookies and search history can help you avoid this.