They call the Shroud of Turin as the very first selfie! The Shroud is believed as the real burial cloth that was used to wrap the body Jesus Christ. And there is one photograph that’s been kept in Alamogordo, New Mexico. The size of the cloth is 14′ long by 3.5′ wide.
When it was found, many thought it was a fake photo. However, after over 50 scientists studied it, the Shroud turned out as a true-sized replica of the Shroud of Turin that is kept in Italy. The research became the greatest scientific research on the Shroud in 1978. One of the findings was that the shroud projects a 3D image. A reverse black & white negative of the shroud will also project a 3D image.
This is how the shroud was used.
The full Shroud, back and front.
Front part showing the face and hands of Jesus.
You can use your smart phone to take a negative photo of the Shroud.
This is one of the most fascinating museums in New Mexico. I encourage everyone to make the trip if you are in New Mexico.
Address: 923 New York Avenue, Alamogordo, NM, 88310
Admission: FREE
Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Friday & Saturday 1-5PM; Sunday 2-4PM
Where to stay.
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See also: My other travel adventures.