What is Science Domain International? Why is Sciencedomain.org sending me an email invitation to review a manuscript for its British Journal of Applied Science & Technology? Is Science Domain International a scam — one of those shady publishing houses or questionable operators that the New York Times mentioned?
Here is the full email I received:
Subject: MS: 2014_BJAST_9991 : Invitation to Review Manuscript for British Journal of Applied Science & Technology
Dear Colleague,
1. I am approaching you with the peer-review request of the below mentioned manuscript submitted in British Journal of Applied Science & Technology
I would be grateful if you would kindly find some time to review the above mentioned manuscript and send your valuable comments within 12 calendar days (6 Apr’2014).
Abstract of the manuscript is available in this link (Dropbox link provided). After clicking in this link you will be redirected to the attachment webpage. Then download the file. If you require the file as E-mail attachment kindly let us know.
If you accept our invitation, we’ll send you the full paper. Authors’ affiliation will be supplied, if requested by the reviewer.
2. I know that your time is valuable and therefore, as a token of our appreciation you will be awarded a complimentary ‘RERP coupon’ of 50 US$ (i.e. 10% discount on full Article Processing Charge) for each manuscript, if quality review is completed within the stipulated period of time (http://www.sciencedomain.org/page.php?id=reviewers-editors). The main force behind our fast, efficient and quality Peer review system is the tremendous hard work of our Peer Reviewers & Editors. We are extremely grateful to the peer reviewers and editors for their great service.
3. Please inform as early as possible if you agree to accept our invitation to review. Would you not be able to find time to act as a reviewer this time, please let me know through an email and in that case you may also suggest someone of your colleague to review the manuscript. We hope as part of academic community you’ll appreciate our efforts to complete quality peer review within stipulated time period. Comments received after stipulated time (as mentioned above) may not be utilized. Here we politely want to mention that, If we do not receive any communication within next 7 calendar days, we’ll be approaching to alternative reviewers to complete this peer review.
Kindly click on this link if you decline to our invitation: Declined to peer review
4. Useful Links:
Journal scope link: http://www.sciencedomain.org/about-journal.php?id=5
General Editorial Policy link: http://www.sciencedomain.org/page.php?id=sdi-general-editorial-policy
Thanking you
Ms. Rubi Das
Editorial Office
SCIENCEDOMAIN international
Reg. Offices:
UK: SCIENCEDOMAIN international, Third Floor, 207 Regent Street, London, W1B 3HH,UK,Registered in England and Wales, Company Registration Number: 7794635, Fax: +44 20-3031-1429
USA: SCIENCEDOMAIN international, One Commerce Centre, 1201, Orange St. # 600, Wilmington, New Castle, Delaware, USA, Corporate File Number: 5049777, Fax: +1 302-397-2050
India: SCIENCEDOMAIN international, U GF, DLF City Phase-III, Gurgaon, 122001, Delhi NCR, Corp. Firm Registration Number: 255 (2010-11), Fax: +91 11-66173993
Editorial office: SCIENCEDOMAIN international, Guest House Road, Street no – 1/6, Tarakeswar, Hooghly, WB, 712410, India, Corp. Firm Registration Number: L77527.
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If you have any further queries, you can contact at the Registered Office of this publisher at SCIENCEDOMAIN international Ltd., Third Floor, 207 Regent Street, London, W1B 3HH, UK, Fax: +44 20-3031-1429, or at USA Office: SCIENCEDOMAIN international, One Commerce Centre, 1201, Orange St. # 600, Wilmington, New Castle, Delaware, USA, Corporate File Number: 5049777,Fax: +1 302-397-2050 or at India Office: U GF, DLF City Phase-III, Gurgaon, 122001, Delhi NCR, Corp. Firm Registration Number: 255 (2010-11), Fax: +91 11-66173993. Kindly note that, E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secured or error-free as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses. The sender therefore does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of this message, which arise as a result of e-mail transmission. If verification is required please request a signed hard-copy/scanned version. Our company accepts no liability for the content of this email, or for the consequences of any actions taken on the basis of the information provided, unless that information is subsequently confirmed in writing.
Google Maps revealed that one of their offices is located at the Delaware State Chamber of Commerce building. Here is the screenshot:
Someone online uncovered that last year (2013), their U.S. office was on this address: SCIENCEDOMAIN international, 616 Corporate Way, Suite 2 #4000, Valley Cottage, NY 10989, which looked like a storage house!
I do not know or heard anything about any of peer-reviewed journals from SDI. A quick online search for “British Journal of Applied Science & Technology” will only show links back to the website of Science Domain. The journal will not show up using Google Scholar search.
There is also a page of testimonials from authors who are mostly coming from Nigeria and India.
So, I wonder, is Science Domain International Publication a scam? If you have any experience of publishing using SDI, please leave a comment below.
ScienceDomain International is included in Beall’s list of “Potential, possible, or probable predatory scholarly open-access publishers”, at https://scholarlyoa.com/publishers/
So whats the verdict? Real or scam?