My Catholic community back home in the Philippines used to sing this Marian song that we called the “Magnificat”. The real title is actually “I Will Sing” written by Vince Ambrosetti. Magnificat is found under the Gospel of Luke. It describes Mary praising God for all the things He has done! And that is why it is one of my favorite Christian songs.
You can find the lyrics below. If you want to play it with a guitar, the chords are also provided.
“I Will Sing” (Magnificat Song) Marian Song Lyrics and Chords
A F#m D-E
I will sing with all my soul and praise the Lord
A F#m D-E
My heart is glad because of God my Savior
F#m D C E
For He has looked upon His humble servant
A F#m C E A
And who am I, who am I to merit His love.
Verse 1
C D Bm-Em
The Lord is mighty, holy is His name
And every generation gives Him praise
Happy am I unto the end of all time
Am A A7 D-D7
Because my God has done great things for me. (**)
Verse 2
He gives His grace anew in every age,
To those who live in rev’rence with Him,
Grace is His strength, but He unmasks all pride
And strips us bare of our self conceit. (**)
Verse 3
He gives in great abundance to the hungry,
And sends the rich away with empty hands,
He dethrones those who hold authority,
And poor and humble people
He makes great!
A video of this song is so scarce. Here is one I found.
May i ask if you have the music notes for Magnificat I Will Sing?
Thanks. God bless.