Reports are overwhelming today that an internet doomsday could happen on Monday when servers shut down due to the malicious software, aka Alureon malware, which have been attacking millions of computers around the world. According to blogs, when rogue servers will shut down at 12:01 a.m. EDT on Monday, about 250,000 computer users will lose their internet connection.
Says FBI, the viruses were programmed to redirect Internet traffic through fake DNS servers controlled by criminals. DNS servers are computer switchboards that direct Web traffic.
When authorities took down the rogue servers, a federal judge in New York ordered that temporary servers be kept in place while the victims’ machines were repaired. The temporary servers will shut down at 12:01 a.m. EDT on Monday, which means the infected PCs that have not been fixed will no longer be able to connect to the Internet.
Everyone is encouraged to check if the computer you are using is infected by the malware or not. This website is provided by a group of security firms and experts.
I have already checked mine, and the result says that I a fine: “Your computer appears to be looking up IP addresses correctly! Had your computer been infected with DNS changer malware you would have seen a red background. Please note, however, that if your ISP is redirecting DNS traffic for its customers you would have reached this site even though you are infected.”
Use the link above and check your PC. What is your result?