These two white high-school girls from Gainesville High School in Gainesville, Florida are completely misinformed, ignorant, and totally disgusting. In a 14-miute rant about Blacks, the girls kept dropping the N-word, saying that the N**gers can’t talk right, keep having kids and can’t get jobs.
The one girl on the left of the video who was enjoying the camera a lot said that she reads 5 books a week. Then maybe she should start reading some Black History books and learn of the many notable achievements of black Americans.
I wonder why there is so much hate in these girls. I wonder where they learn it from. Did the parents of these girls ever taught them not to see color in people?
The thing about the internet is that, you just cannot post some shit like this for the world to see and get away with it. The video has gone viral and both girls have experienced harassment and threats from angry people.
What do you think about this?