SDSU Wecota Hall First Floor
Never mind the grammar, but the note is a threat to my existence at the basement. He specifically picked me when I am not the only one drinking coffee in the room, neither the only one throwing coffee cups in the waste bin.
For the past weeks, I have been complaining about the cleanliness of room 008. I have never talked to the cleaning guy, but the Center’s secretary. Although, I am pretty sure the admin has already been informed regarding the problem, it looks to me the guy has not done anything about it (yet) for weeks now since the complaint was raised.
The issue sprung from the cleaning guy not mopping the floor, nor sweeping it. What he does every night is to throw the garbage out. Throwing means dumping the contents of our small bin to his much larger collection bag. He does not change the plastic bag of our waste basket, even if how dirty it is — leaving it smelly at times. Unlike the late cleaning guy Gary (may his soul rest in peace) who, without fail, did two cleaning rounds each night (sweeping the whole basement first, then coming back the second round to mop the whole area with water), this new guy seems to have been paid to only collect the garbage. And he is doing it lousily!
And now I have to be careful on what to throw in the bin? It should have been his responsibility to make sure the waste bags are changed all the time — without questions asked. What about the bins in the other floors where they are filled with coffee cups? Did the other janitors also left notes to those who used the bins?
When I was in the Netherlands for a two-year study, my colleagues and I were asked regularly to rate the cleanliness of our room. We had the opportunity to tell the cleaning company about the service we are getting through the regular evaluation. Unfortunately, here in SDSU, we are not given that liberty. In fact, the cleaning guys (I am isolating this basement cleaning guy) seem to act bossy.
Never in my entire life have I been asked to mind what I throw into the waste bin, until now. Now I have to think if I have to throw a banana peel in the bin (or do I need a sanitary bag for that?). Now I have to buy and keep sanitary bags on my desk. All these, because of a note from the old cleaning guy!
This makes me so afraid as an international student. Failure to comply from the request may provoke him. And I feel threatened especially that I often work at night.
Next time, sir, leave a note to everyone — to the four of us in the room 08, and not just to me!
Also, do not single me out as the only one who complains about the dirtiness of the room. Ask the others and they will tell you the same.
I only informed the secretary about the issue once. But nothing happened. That is why I wrote this.
Sir, I really wish the cleanliness problem will be resolved sooner.
Dear Mr. Salazar… For some time now you have been ranting, whining and carrying on about the deplorable conditions you are living with at Wecota Hall. I started working the area approximately a year a go, after the departure of Gary(God rest his soul). Although we have never met or conversed, we probably should have. A simple note left for me would probably have “cleared the air”. I feel compelled to stick up for myself because your inuendo, exaggeration and false claims are irritating! Don’t feel intimidated because that is not my intention. I only want to stick up for myself and possibly enlighten you.
When I first started working the area I noticed the floor area in your office and a couple of the classrooms looked very dirty. I took extra dilligence in scubing them,but to no avail. I brought it to my supervisor’s attention and it was explained to me that the stain and soiled look was ground into the linoleum surface. It is frustrating to scrub and mop the areas and have no results. I’m sure it seems unsanitary for you. Once a year in the Summer we do a deep scrub and wax. I can only hope it gives better results than I have been getting.
I can’t imagine your waste-paper basket ever smelling,because it is emptied on a daily basis. Feel compelled to put all your waste in it as needed. It sort of creates a booby-trap when you put liquid items in it though. It wasn’t my intention to single you out or imply you were the only coffee drinker. I usually pour out the liquid before depositing containers in a waste-paper basket.
It was never my intention to intimidate you with the suggestive note, but you have been carrying on for some time over trivial things with exaggeration and false claims….. Where I was raised I was taught to call people older than myself (Sir) or genltman not “old man” “old guy” or “old cleaning guy” Give some respect and it will return to you.
Hopefully your issues will be resolved in the near future…