No, I did not originally come up with the title. There is a team from Kansas State University Geography Department that mapped the 7 Deadly Sins across America, by plotting per-capita stats on things like theft (envy) and STDs (lust).

See where South Dakota is on the map. Are South Dakotan sinners? South Dakotans seem to be saintly in terms of envy and wrath. But look at “lust”, oh my, the western part of SD is so devilish.

Check out the 7 maps below. But first, here is the legend.

1. Greed – Average income compared with number of people living below the poverty line.

2. Envy – Total thefts (robbery, burglary, larceny, and grand theft auto) per capita.

3. Wrath – Number of violent crimes (murder, assault, and rape) per capita.

4. Sloth – Expenditures on art, entertainment, and recreation compared with employment.

5. Gluttony – Number of fast-food restaurants per capita.

6. Lust – Number of STD cases reported per capita.

7. Pride – Aggregate of the other six offenses—because pride is the root of all sin.